New demo release for Polter Pals

Hello future friends!
I've just released a brand-spankin'-new demo for Polter Pals! This one is the culmination of a HUUUUGE amount of work and represents the quality I'm aiming for in the whole game in its final release. Unlike the prior demo, this one includes levels and hazards from two different areas of the game.
I haven't really done any updates here to keep Itch folks in the loop, so I figure I should catch everyone up on the journey to this point and where Polter Pals is headed from here! At the end of 2018, I was feeling a little down on the project. I was having trouble getting folks interested and felt like it was doomed to fail. I put it on hiatus for a few months to work on my own skills and try to get a job working on games for someone else.
About a year ago, I received word from Epic Games that I was to receive an Unreal Dev Grant. This was absolutely the push I needed to jump back in and keep working on the game. I immediately picked it back up and got to work. Another benefit of the grant was that I was able to afford to pay someone to make actual music that doesn't suck. I contracted Breakmaster Cylinder, who is rad and does all kinds of rad things, to compose the tracks for Polter Pals.
Near the end of 2019, I moved back to my home state of Louisiana and had the extreme luck to meet some folks who run a tech incubator in my hometown. The incubator has multiple other game dev companies in it (including Pixel Dash of Road Redemption fame) and moving in felt like a no-brainer. Mere weeks after I moved in, they were taking me to PAX South to show off my game!
Needless to say, all of this has been amazing and unexpected. I feel immeasurably lucky to be granted all of these opportunities and have never been as excited to be pushing toward the finish line on Polter Pals. I don't have a release date to announce yet, but it will be coming to a PC near you this year, hopefully around summertime.
Thanks to all who have followed this game since it was a small entry in a jam. I appreciate all the encouragement and patience I've received from the community. Now, get to making friends in that demo!
Nick Decker
Split Hare Games
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